Agnes Water Visitor Information Centre

07 4902 1533
Last updated by the business on:
December 8, 2018

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  • Reviews

    5 Reviews on “Agnes Water Visitor Information Centre”

    • Brian
      3 years ago

      Just want to thank Sharon for suggesting the Gladstone Yacht club for lunch last week.
      She even booked a table for us as we could not get phone reception.
      Lunch was great and the views were fabulous.
      Thankyou Sharon

    • greg
      2 years ago

      a big shout out to the staff at the information centre for the outstanding help we received last week.
      The ladies went above and beyond to help us out so thank you. much appreciated.


    • Jeanette
      1 year ago

      Thanks for all the info and chat about the area. The Gladstone region brochure and maps were really helpful. I gave the animal book, ‘wildlife of the discovery coast and beyond’ to my neighbors grand daughter who had helped mind the dog while we were away. Will be framing the pics from the gorgeous card photos by Stuart mcKay. And, I sent off the postcards that were produced in Aus! And all purchases were so affordable! Very happy we stopped by.

    • Connie Battley
      1 year ago

      Wasn’t too happy to hear my brother had a hard time when he called into your Visitors Centre the other day. He was just having a look and wasn’t treated vewell. We are always taught about good Customer service at the Bundaberg Visitors centre where I volunteer to encourage tourists to come back

    • Julie
      11 months ago

      Very unhelpful lady. Worst info centre we’ve ever visited. We asked if there was a safe beach to swim and if there were stingers here (we are from NSW). Reply: ‘ can’t guarantee there won’t be stingers’. Q: do people swim here then? A: ‘ I don’t personally … but some people do’. Q: ‘what can we do here then?’ A: ‘hire a BBQ boat for $250!’ No mention of the Marina, the lovely walks or the opportunity to visit the reef.
      After we left we drove down the main road and found ‘Main Beach’. OMGosh it’s a stunning, patrolled beach with gentle waves and even a welcome mat! Loads of Families in the water and adjacent to a lovely park with BBQs, sheltered tables and great amenities.
      Thanks Visitors Info centre for nothing.

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